零件編號 | 下載 訂購 | 功能描述/絲印 | 制造商 上傳企業(yè) | LOGO |
Marking:2P9;Package:8LdTDFN;Quadruple Voltage Monitor QuadrupleVoltageMonitor TheISL88042isaQuadruplevoltage-monitoringsupervisorcombiningcompetitiveresetthresholdaccuracyandlowpowerconsumption.ThisdevicecombinespopularfunctionssuchasPower-OnReset,UndervoltageSupplySupervision,resetsignalingandManualReset.Monitorin | RENESASRenesas Technology Corp 瑞薩瑞薩科技有限公司 | RENESAS | ||
Marking:2P9;Package:8LdTDFN;Quadruple Voltage Monitor QuadrupleVoltageMonitor TheISL88042isaQuadruplevoltage-monitoringsupervisorcombiningcompetitiveresetthresholdaccuracyandlowpowerconsumption.ThisdevicecombinespopularfunctionssuchasPower-OnReset,UndervoltageSupplySupervision,resetsignalingandManualReset.Monitorin | RENESASRenesas Technology Corp 瑞薩瑞薩科技有限公司 | RENESAS | ||
Marking:2P9;Package:SMV;300 mA CMOS Low Drop-Out Regulator with inrush current protection circuit TheTCR3DFseriesareCMOSgeneral-purposesingle-outputvoltageregulatorswithanon/offcontrolinput,featuringlowdropoutvoltage,lowoutputnoisevoltageandlowinrushcurrent. Thesevoltageregulatorsareavailableinfixedoutputvoltagesbetween1.0Vand4.5Vandcapableofdriving | TOSHIBAToshiba Semiconductor 東芝株式會社東芝 | TOSHIBA | ||
Marking:2P9;Package:DFN5B;800 mA CMOS Ultra Low Dropout Regulator 1.Description TheTCR8BMseriesareCMOSsingle-outputvoltageregulatorswithanon/offcontrolinput,featuringultralowdropoutvoltage,highPSRR,lowinrushcurrentandfastloadtransientresponse. Adifferentiatingfeatureistheuseofasecondarybiasrailasareferencevoltagethat | TOSHIBAToshiba Semiconductor 東芝株式會社東芝 | TOSHIBA | ||
Marking:2P9B;Package:VSSOP;INA310x –4 V to 110 V, 1.3 MHz, Ultra-Precise Current Sense Amplifier With Open- Drain Comparator and Reference 1Features ?Widecommon-modevoltage: –Operationalvoltage:?4Vto+110V –Survivalvoltage:?20Vto+120V ?Highsignalbandwidth:1.3MHz ?Slewrate:2.5V/μs ?ExcellentCMRR:160dB ?Accuracy –Gainerror(maximum) ?VersionA:0.15,10ppm/°Cdrift ?VersionB:0.5,20ppm/° | TITexas Instruments 德州儀器美國德州儀器公司 | TI | ||
Marking:2P9B;Package:VSSOP;INA310x –4 V to 110 V, 1.3 MHz, Ultra-Precise Current Sense Amplifier With Open- Drain Comparator and Reference 1Features ?Widecommon-modevoltage: –Operationalvoltage:?4Vto+110V –Survivalvoltage:?20Vto+120V ?Highsignalbandwidth:1.3MHz ?Slewrate:2.5V/μs ?ExcellentCMRR:160dB ?Accuracy –Gainerror(maximum) ?VersionA:0.15,10ppm/°Cdrift ?VersionB:0.5,20ppm/° | TITexas Instruments 德州儀器美國德州儀器公司 | TI |
- 型號:
- 制造商:
- 功能描述:
Cable Accessories Spiral Wrap Polytetrafluoroethylene Teflon Natural Reel
供應商 | 型號 | 品牌 | 批號 | 封裝 | 庫存 | 備注 | 價格 |
HellermannTyton |
2020+ |
N/A |
155 |
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HellermannTyton |
22+ |
NA |
155 |
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24+ |
515 |
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20+ |
開關(guān)元件 |
96 |
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1822+ |
SOT-23 |
6852 |
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24+ |
SOT-23 |
65200 |
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23+ |
TO92 |
50000 |
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NXP/恩智浦 |
23+ |
NA/ |
12250 |
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PHL排帶 |
2020+ |
TO-92 |
9500 |
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7114 |
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- 2PA1576Q115
- 2PA1576R /T3
- 2PA1576R,115
- 2PA1576S
- 2PA1576S T/R
- 2PA1576S,135
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- 2PA1774
- 2PA1774JQ
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- 2PA1774Q,115
- 2PA1774QJ,115
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- 2PA1774RJ,115
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- 2PA1774SJ,115
- 2PA1774SM T/R
- 2PA1774SMB
- 2PA19
- 2PA3
- 2PA733P,126
- 2PA733T/R
- 2PAP
- 2PB11
- 2PB11-H58
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- 2PB1219AQ T/R
- 2PB1219AQ,135
更多- 2PA1
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- 2PA1576S,115
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- 2PA1774R115
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- 2PA1774RM,315
- 2PA1774RMB,315
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- 2PA1774SM
- 2PA1774SM,315
- 2PA1774SMB,315
- 2PA21
- 2PA733P
- 2PA733P,412
- 2PAM
- 2PB1000
- 2PB11H58
- 2PB11-T
- 2PB1219A
- 2PB1219AQ /T3
- 2PB1219AQ,115
- 2PB1219AQ115