零件編號 | 下載 訂購 | 功能描述/絲印 | 制造商 上傳企業(yè) | LOGO |
30WUltraminiatureEncapsulatedSwitchingPowerSupplies | ASTRODYNEAstrodyne Corporation 天成達天成達(昆山)電子有限公司 | ASTRODYNE | ||
N-ChannelPowerTrench?SyncFETTM | FairchildFairchild Semiconductor 仙童半導體飛兆/仙童半導體公司 | Fairchild | ||
N-ChannelPowerTrench?SyncFETTM | FairchildFairchild Semiconductor 仙童半導體飛兆/仙童半導體公司 | Fairchild | ||
MetalAlloyInductors | Toko TOKO, Inc | Toko | ||
Pushbuttonswitch,rightangle,illumination | APEX-ELECTRONICS Apex Electronics Co., Ltd | APEX-ELECTRONICS | ||
Pushbuttonswitch,rightangle,illumination | APEX-ELECTRONICS Apex Electronics Co., Ltd | APEX-ELECTRONICS | ||
DC/DCConverters [XPiQ] 1WattIESeriesDC/DCConverters ?0.12in2BoardSpace ?80Efficiency ?22Wattsperin3 ?3.3,5,12,24and48VDCInputs ?1000/3000VDCIsolation ?IndustryStandardsPinouts | ETC1List of Unclassifed Manufacturers etc未分類制造商未分類制造商 | ETC1 | ||
DC/DCConverters [XPiQ] 1WattIESeriesDC/DCConverters ?0.12in2BoardSpace ?80Efficiency ?22Wattsperin3 ?3.3,5,12,24and48VDCInputs ?1000/3000VDCIsolation ?IndustryStandardsPinouts | ETC1List of Unclassifed Manufacturers etc未分類制造商未分類制造商 | ETC1 | ||
DC/DCConverters [XPiQ] 1WattIESeriesDC/DCConverters ?0.12in2BoardSpace ?80Efficiency ?22Wattsperin3 ?3.3,5,12,24and48VDCInputs ?1000/3000VDCIsolation ?IndustryStandardsPinouts | ETC1List of Unclassifed Manufacturers etc未分類制造商未分類制造商 | ETC1 | ||
DC-DCPowerSupplies DC-DC1WattsIESeries ?SingleOutput ?SIPorDIPPackage ?IndustryStandardPinout ?1000VDCIsolation ?Optional3000VDCIsolation ?ShortCircuitProtection ?-40°Cto+85°COperation | XPPOWER XP Power Limited | XPPOWER |
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