零件編號 | 下載 訂購 | 功能描述/絲印 | 制造商 上傳企業(yè) | LOGO |
TPS382x | Voltage Monitor With Watchdog Timer | TI1Texas Instruments 德州儀器 | TI1 | |
Voltage Monitor With Watchdog Timer | TI1Texas Instruments 德州儀器 | TI1 | ||
BCD-to-Decoder/Drivers GeneralDescription The382decodesBCDinputs(1?2?4?8code)anddrivesthe10segmentsofgasfilled,coldcathodeindicatortube.Sincethe382producesnoambiguousoutputs,inputcodesfor10to15willblankthetube.Theoutputsofa371decadecounterareidealas382inputsfordisplayc | MicrosemiMicrosemi Corporation 美高森美美高森美公司 | Microsemi | ||
PCIe?toPCIBridgeProductBrief Features General ?PCIExpresstoPCIbridge ?Transparent,Non-transparentandOpaquemodes ?Efficientqueuingandbufferingforlowlatencyandhigh throughput ?Compliantwiththefollowingspecifications: –PCIExpressBase1.1 –PCIExpressPCI/PCI-XBridge1.0 –PCI-to-PCIBridgeA | RENESASRenesas Technology Corp 瑞薩瑞薩科技有限公司 | RENESAS | ||
Legacymodesupportforsubtractivedecode TheTundraSemiconductorTsi382Aisahigh-performancebusbridgethatconnectsPCIExpressbaseddevicestolegacyPCIdevices.TheTsi382A’sPCIeInterfacesupportsax1laneconfiguration,whichenablesthebridgetoofferthroughputperformanceofupto2.5Gbpspertransmitandreceivedirect | IDT Integrated Device Technology, Inc. | IDT | ||
IRReceiverModulesforRemoteControlSystems | VishayVishay Siliconix 威世科技威世科技半導(dǎo)體 | Vishay | ||
IRReceiverModulesforRemoteControlSystems DESCRIPTION TheseproductsareminiaturizedIRreceivermodulesfor infraredremotecontrolsystems.APINdiodeanda preamplifierareassembledonaleadframe,theepoxy packagecontainsanIRfilter. Thedemodulatedoutputsignalcanbedirectlyconnectedto amicroprocessorfordecoding. | VishayVishay Siliconix 威世科技威世科技半導(dǎo)體 | Vishay | ||
IRReceiverModulesforRemoteControlSystems DESCRIPTION TheseproductsareminiaturizedIRreceivermodulesfor infraredremotecontrolsystems.APINdiodeanda preamplifierareassembledonaleadframe,theepoxy packagecontainsanIRfilter. Thedemodulatedoutputsignalcanbedirectlyconnectedto amicroprocessorfordecoding. | VishayVishay Siliconix 威世科技威世科技半導(dǎo)體 | Vishay | ||
FASTLDOLINEARREGULATOR | TI1Texas Instruments 德州儀器 | TI1 | ||
FASTLDOLINEARREGULATOR | TITexas Instruments 德州儀器美國德州儀器公司 | TI |
供應(yīng)商 | 型號 | 品牌 | 批號 | 封裝 | 庫存 | 備注 | 價格 |
2020+ |
TO23 |
5800 |
百分百原裝正品 真實公司現(xiàn)貨庫存 本公司只做原裝 可 |
詢價 | |||
TI |
23+ |
N/A |
8000 |
只做原裝現(xiàn)貨 |
詢價 |
更多- TPS382X-XX-Q1
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- TPS3836H30
- TPS3836H30DBVR
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更多- TPS3831
- TPS3831_16
- TPS3831A09DQNR
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- TPS3831E16DQNR
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- TPS3831L30DQNR
- TPS3831L30DQNT
- TPS3836
- TPS3836E18DBVR
- TPS3836E18DBVRG4
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- TPS3836-EP
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- TPS3836J25
- TPS3836J25DBVR
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- TPS3836J25-Q1