零件編號 | 下載 訂購 | 功能描述/絲印 | 制造商 上傳企業(yè) | LOGO |
NTE5202A | Zener Diode, 10 Watt ?5 Tolerance Features: ●ZenerVoltage3.9Vto200V ●DO4StudMountPackage | NTE NTE Electronics | NTE | |
1.55關(guān)mEdge-EmittingLEDDIPModule GENERALDESCRIPTION TheOE5202Gisa1.55μm,edge-emittingLEDDIPmodulewithasingle-modefiberpigtail. ThehighcouplingefficiencyoftheOKIEE-LEDyieldsasingle-modefiberoutputofover20μW. ThemoduleisanoptimallightsourceforopticalLANsystemsandmeasuringinstruments. | OKIOki Electric Cable Co.,Ltd 沖電線沖電線株式會社 | OKI | ||
ROMless8-bitmicrocontroller DESCRIPTION TheOM52028-BitROMlessMicrocontrollerismanufacturedinanadvancedCMOSprocessandisaderivativeofthe80C51microcontrollerfamily.TheOM5202hasthesameinstructionsetasthe80C51. FEATURES ?80C51centralprocessingunit ?nointernalROM,externallyupto64kbytes | PhilipsNXP Semiconductors 飛利浦荷蘭皇家飛利浦 | Philips | ||
ROMless8-bitmicrocontroller DESCRIPTION TheOM52028-BitROMlessMicrocontrollerismanufacturedinanadvancedCMOSprocessandisaderivativeofthe80C51microcontrollerfamily.TheOM5202hasthesameinstructionsetasthe80C51. FEATURES ?80C51centralprocessingunit ?nointernalROM,externallyupto64kbytes | PhilipsNXP Semiconductors 飛利浦荷蘭皇家飛利浦 | Philips | ||
ROMless8-bitmicrocontroller DESCRIPTION TheOM52028-BitROMlessMicrocontrollerismanufacturedinanadvancedCMOSprocessandisaderivativeofthe80C51microcontrollerfamily.TheOM5202hasthesameinstructionsetasthe80C51. FEATURES ?80C51centralprocessingunit ?nointernalROM,externallyupto64kbytes | PhilipsNXP Semiconductors 飛利浦荷蘭皇家飛利浦 | Philips | ||
HERMETICJEDECTO-257AAHIGHEFFICIENCY,CENTER-TAPRECTIFIER [Omnirel] DESCRIPTION Thisseriesofproductsinahermeticpackageisspecificallydesignedforuseatpowerswitchingfrequenciesinexcessof100kHz.Theseriescombinestwohighefficiencydevicesintoonepackage,simplifyinginstallation,reducingheatsinkhardware,andtheneedtoobtai | ETCList of Unclassifed Manufacturers 未分類制造商 | ETC | ||
HERMETICJEDECTO-257AAHIGHEFFICIENCY,CENTER-TAPRECTIFIER | etc2List of Unclassifed Manufacturers etc未分類制造商etc2未分類制造商 | etc2 | ||
HERMETICJEDECTO-257AAHIGHEFFICIENCY,CENTER-TAPRECTIFIER | etc2List of Unclassifed Manufacturers etc未分類制造商etc2未分類制造商 | etc2 | ||
HERMETICJEDECTO-257AAHIGHEFFICIENCY,CENTER-TAPRECTIFIER [Omnirel] DESCRIPTION Thisseriesofproductsinahermeticpackageisspecificallydesignedforuseatpowerswitchingfrequenciesinexcessof100kHz.Theseriescombinestwohighefficiencydevicesintoonepackage,simplifyinginstallation,reducingheatsinkhardware,andtheneedtoobtai | ETCList of Unclassifed Manufacturers 未分類制造商 | ETC | ||
ROMless8-bitmicrocontroller DESCRIPTION TheOM52028-BitROMlessMicrocontrollerismanufacturedinanadvancedCMOSprocessandisaderivativeofthe80C51microcontrollerfamily.TheOM5202hasthesameinstructionsetasthe80C51. FEATURES ?80C51centralprocessingunit ?nointernalROM,externallyupto64kbytes | PhilipsNXP Semiconductors 飛利浦荷蘭皇家飛利浦 | Philips |
- 型號:
- 制造商:
NTE Electronics
- 功能描述:
Diode Zener Single 30V 5% 10W 2-Pin DO-4
供應商 | 型號 | 品牌 | 批號 | 封裝 | 庫存 | 備注 | 價格 |
新 |
14 |
全新原裝 貨期兩周 |
詢價 | |||
專業(yè)模塊 |
8513 |
模塊原裝主營-可開原型號增稅票 |
詢價 | ||
24+ |
2050 |
公司大量全新原裝 正品 隨時可以發(fā)貨 |
詢價 | ||
23+ |
39386 |
原廠授權(quán)一級代理,專業(yè)海外優(yōu)勢訂貨,價格優(yōu)勢、品種 |
詢價 |
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