零件編號 | 下載 訂購 | 功能描述/絲印 | 制造商 上傳企業(yè) | LOGO |
NTE183 | Silicon Complementary Transistors General Purpose Amplifier, Switch Description: TheNTE182(NPN)andNTE183(PNP)aresilicontransistorsinaTO127typecasedesignedforuseingeneralpurposeamplifierandswitchingapplications. Features: ?DCCurrentGainSpecifiedto10A ?HighCurrentGain–BandwidthProduct:fT=2MHz(Min)@IC=500mA | NTE NTE Electronics | NTE | |
Integrated Circuit Dual Audio Power Amplifier, 5.8W (19W BTL) Description: TheNTE1830andNTE1830aredualaudiopoweramplifiersina12–LeadDIPtypepackageforuseinconsumerapplications.Designedforhighpower,lowdistortion,andlownoise,thesedevicescontainvarioustypesofprotectioncircuitrymakingthemsuitableforhighperformancecar | NTE NTE Electronics | NTE | ||
Integrated Circuit Dual Audio Power Amplifier, 5.8W (19W BTL) Description: TheNTE1830andNTE1830aredualaudiopoweramplifiersina12–LeadDIPtypepackageforuseinconsumerapplications.Designedforhighpower,lowdistortion,andlownoise,thesedevicescontainvarioustypesofprotectioncircuitrymakingthemsuitableforhighperformancecar | NTE NTE Electronics | NTE | ||
Integrated Circuit Dual Reversible Motor Driver Description: TheNTE1834isamonolithicICina10–LeadSIPtypepackagedesignedforuseasadualreversiblemotordriver.Thisdevicecontainstwoindependentcircuitsdesignedfordrivingbrush–typeDCmotors.ThecontrollogicinputsarecompatiblewithCMOSdevices.Themotortorquecan | NTE NTE Electronics | NTE | ||
Integrated Circuit Interface for Character and Pattern Description: TheNTE1835isanintegratedcircuitdesignedforinterfaceofdecoderoutputsorofexternalanaloginputsignalinteletextsystemwiththecoloroutput. Features: ?ProvidesAnalogSignalProcessingforCharacterSignalInput ?HighSpeedSwitching: RiseandFal | NTE NTE Electronics | NTE | ||
Integrated Circuit Electronic Channel Select System Control Description: TheNTE1836containsCPU/PLL–excludedperipheralcircuitssuchasbandswitch,+5Vpowersupply(withRST),syncdetector,low–passfilterforcolorTV/VCRfrequencysynthesizerchannelselectsystemuse. Features: ?TheBandSwitchTruthTablecanbechangedinashortper | NTE NTE Electronics | NTE | ||
Integrated Circuit TV Tuner Controller Description: TheNTE1837isatunercontrollerintegratedcircuitina16–LeadDIPtypepackagecontainingfunctionssuchasbandswitch,inverter,andlow–passfilter.Thisdevicecanbeusedasafrequencysynthesizeroravoltagesynthesizer,dependingontheexternalapplicationcircuit. | NTE NTE Electronics | NTE | ||
Integrated Circuit Color TV Video/Chroma/Deflection Circuit Description: TheNTE1839andNTE1856aresmall–sizedmultifunctionalintegratedcircuitscontainingthe“video,chroma,deflection”circuitofNTSCcolorTVsina30–LeadDIPtypepackage.Besidesbeingsmall–sized,theyhavesuchfeaturesasfewerexternalcomponentsandfeweradjustments.requi | NTE NTE Electronics | NTE | ||
Integrated Circuit BTL Audio Power Amplifier, 12W | NTE NTE Electronics | NTE | ||
Integrated Circuit TV Fixed Voltage Regulator 120V ?0.8V, 1A | NTE NTE Electronics | NTE |
- 型號:
- 制造商:
NTE Electronics
- 功能描述:
BJT PNP -60V 10A TO-127
- 功能描述:
BJT, PNP, -60V, 10A, TO-127
- 功能描述:
BJT, PNP, -60V, 10A, TO-127; Transistor
- Polarity:
PNP; Collector Emitter Voltage
- V(br)ceo:
-60V; Transition Frequency Typ
- ft:
2MHz; Power Dissipation
- Pd:
90W; DC Collector
- Current:
-10A; DC Current Gain
- hFE:
20; No. of
- Pins:
3 ;RoHS
- Compliant:
- 功能描述:
Trans GP BJT PNP 60V 10A 3-Pin TO-127
供應商 | 型號 | 品牌 | 批號 | 封裝 | 庫存 | 備注 | 價格 |
24+ |
N/A |
62000 |
一級代理-主營優(yōu)勢-實惠價格-不悔選擇 |
詢價 | |||
23+ |
39216 |
原廠授權一級代理,專業(yè)海外優(yōu)勢訂貨,價格優(yōu)勢、品種 |
詢價 | |||
新 |
60 |
全新原裝 貨期兩周 |
詢價 | ||||
2022+ |
56 |
全新原裝 貨期兩周 |
詢價 | ||||
IC |
1950+ |
980 |
只做原裝正品現(xiàn)貨!或訂貨假一賠十! |
詢價 | |||
23+ |
65480 |
詢價 | ||||
6000 |
面議 |
19 |
詢價 | ||
22+ |
NA |
500000 |
萬三科技,秉承原裝,購芯無憂 |
詢價 | ||
24+ |
3000 |
公司存貨 |
詢價 | ||||
2022+ |
原廠原包裝 |
6800 |
全新原裝 支持表配單 中國著名電子元器件獨立分銷 |
詢價 |
更多- NTE1830
- NTE1834
- NTE1836
- NTE1839
- NTE1842
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更多- NTE1831
- NTE1835
- NTE1838
- NTE1840
- NTE1843
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- NTE2054