零件編號 | 下載 訂購 | 功能描述/絲印 | 制造商 上傳企業(yè) | LOGO |
BTA24 | 25 A standard and Snubberless??triacs Description Availableeitherinthrough-holeorsurface-mountpackages,theBTA24,BTB24,BTA25,BTA26andT25triacseriesissuitableforgeneralpurposeACswitching.TheycanbeusedasanON/OFFfunctioninapplicationssuchasstaticrelays,heatingregulation,inductionmotorstartingcirc | STMICROELECTRONICSSTMicroelectronics 意法半導體意法半導體集團 | STMICROELECTRONICS | |
BTA24 | vacuum cleaners, power tools and other motor speed controllers; solid state relays; heating controllers (temperature regulation); other phase control circuits. Productfeaturesandmainapplications: NPNPNfive-layerstructureofsiliconbidirectional devices;withindependentintellectualpropertyrightsof single-sideddiggingtechnology,tableglasspassivation process;multi-layermetallizedelectrodesontheback; withhighblockingvoltageand | UMWGuangdong Youtai Semiconductor Co., Ltd. 友臺半導體廣東友臺半導體有限公司 | UMW | |
BTA24 | 25A TRIACS Description Availableeitherinthrough-holeorsurface-mountpackages,theBTA24,BTB24,BTA25,BTA26andT25triacseriesissuitableforgeneralpurposeACswitching.TheycanbeusedasanON/OFFfunctioninapplicationssuchasstaticrelays,heatingregulation,inductionmotorstartingcircu | STMICROELECTRONICSSTMicroelectronics 意法半導體意法半導體集團 | STMICROELECTRONICS | |
BTA24 | 25 A standard and Snubberless triacs | STMICROELECTRONICSSTMicroelectronics 意法半導體意法半導體集團 | STMICROELECTRONICS | |
BTA24 | Triac Series | CDIL Continental Device India Limited | CDIL | |
BTA24 | 25 A standard and Snubberless triacs | STMICROELECTRONICSSTMicroelectronics 意法半導體意法半導體集團 | STMICROELECTRONICS | |
25A TRIACS Description Availableeitherinthrough-holeorsurface-mountpackages,theBTA24,BTB24,BTA25,BTA26andT25triacseriesissuitableforgeneralpurposeACswitching.TheycanbeusedasanON/OFFfunctioninapplicationssuchasstaticrelays,heatingregulation,inductionmotorstartingcircu | STMICROELECTRONICSSTMicroelectronics 意法半導體意法半導體集團 | STMICROELECTRONICS | ||
Standard Triac GeneralDescription ThisdeviceisfullyisolatedpackagesuitableforACswitchingapplication,phasecontrolapplicationsuchasfanspeedandtemperaturemodulationcontrol,lightingcontrolandstaticswitchingrelay. ThisdevicemaysubstituteforBTA24-600,BTB24-600series. Featu | APOLLOELECTRON Apollo Electron Co., Ltd. | APOLLOELECTRON | ||
25A TRIACS Description Availableeitherinthrough-holeorsurface-mountpackages,theBTA24,BTB24,BTA25,BTA26andT25triacseriesissuitableforgeneralpurposeACswitching.TheycanbeusedasanON/OFFfunctioninapplicationssuchasstaticrelays,heatingregulation,inductionmotorstartingcircu | STMICROELECTRONICSSTMicroelectronics 意法半導體意法半導體集團 | STMICROELECTRONICS | ||
25A TRIACS GENERALDESCRIPTION Availableeitherinthrough-holeorsurface-mountpackages,theBTA/BTB24-600BtriacseriesissuitableforgeneralpurposeACswitching.TheycanbeusedasanON/OFFfunctioninapplicationssuchasstaticrelays,heatingregulation,inductionmotorstartingcircuits...or | TGS Tiger Electronic Co.,Ltd | TGS |
- 型號:
- 功能描述:
供應商 | 型號 | 品牌 | 批號 | 封裝 | 庫存 | 備注 | 價格 |
ST |
24+ |
8866 |
詢價 | |||
ST |
23+ |
TO220I |
8600 |
全新原裝現(xiàn)貨 |
詢價 | ||
NA |
19+ |
66761 |
原廠代理渠道,每一顆芯片都可追溯原廠; |
詢價 | |||
22+23+ |
TO-220A( |
50551 |
絕對原裝正品現(xiàn)貨,全新深圳原裝進口現(xiàn)貨 |
詢價 | ||
STM原廠目錄 |
24+ |
96000 |
全新原裝 |
詢價 | ||
黃山電器 |
22+ |
TO-220F |
20000 |
深圳原裝現(xiàn)貨正品有單價格可談 |
詢價 | ||
HSDQ(可控硅) |
23+ |
TO-220 |
50000 |
全新原裝正品現(xiàn)貨,支持訂貨 |
詢價 | ||
ST |
23+ |
20000 |
正品原裝貨價格低 |
詢價 | |||
HSDQ/黃山電 |
23+ |
NA/ |
2000 |
優(yōu)勢代理渠道,原裝正品,可全系列訂貨開增值稅票 |
詢價 | ||
ST |
23+ |
TO-220 |
7300 |
專注配單,只做原裝進口現(xiàn)貨 |
詢價 |
更多- BTA24-600BWRG
- BTA24-800BWRG
- BTA25-600B
- BTA25-600CW3G
- BTA25-800BW
- BTA25H-600CW3G
- BTA26-400BRG
- BTA26-600BWRG
- BTA26-800BRG
- BTA26-800CWRG
- BTA30-800CW3G
- BTA30H-600CW3G
- BTA312-600B,127
- BTA312-600CT,127
- BTA312-600E,127
- BTA312-800C,127
- BTA312-800E,127
- BTA312B-600B,118
- BTA312B-600CT,118
- BTA312B-600D,118
- BTA312B-800B,118
- BTA312B-800C,118
- BTA312B-800ET,118
- BTA312X-600C,127
- BTA312X-600E,127
- BTA312X-800B,127
- BTA312X-800E,127
- BTA312Y-600C,127
- BTA316-600B,127
- BTA316-600C,127
- BTA316-600E,127
- BTA316-600ET,127
- BTA316-800B0,127
- BTA316-800ET
- BTA316B-600C,118
- BTA316B-600E,118
- BTA316B-800C,118
- BTA316X-600B,127
- BTA316X-600E,127
- BTA316X-800B0
- BTA316X-800E,127
- BTA40-600B
- BTA40-800B
- BTA412Y-600C
- BTA412Y-800C,127
更多- BTA24-600CWRG
- BTA24-800CWRG
- BTA25-600BW
- BTA25-700B
- BTA25-800CW3G
- BTA25H-800CW3G
- BTA26-600BRG
- BTA26-700BRG
- BTA26-800BWRG
- BTA30-600CW3G
- BTA308X-800C0Q
- BTA30H-800CW3G
- BTA312-600B/DG,127
- BTA312-600D,127
- BTA312-800B,127
- BTA312-800CT,127
- BTA312-800ET,127
- BTA312B-600C,118
- BTA312B-600CT,118
- BTA312B-600E,118
- BTA312B-800C,118
- BTA312B-800E,118
- BTA312X-600B,127
- BTA312X-600D,127
- BTA312X-800B,127
- BTA312X-800C,127
- BTA312Y-600C
- BTA312Y-800C,127
- BTA316-600BT,127
- BTA316-600D,127
- BTA316-600ET
- BTA316-800B,127
- BTA316-800E,127
- BTA316B-600B,118
- BTA316B-600C,118
- BTA316B-800B,118
- BTA316B-800E,118
- BTA316X-600E
- BTA316X-600E/DG,12
- BTA316X-800C,127
- BTA330X-800BTQ
- BTA40-700B
- BTA412Y-600B,127
- BTA412Y-800B,127
- BTA41-600BRG