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AN24 | W-6237EVAL2 EVALUATION BOARD FOR W-6237 | COPALCopal Electronics 尼得科科智博電子尼得科科智博電子(上海)有限公司 | COPAL | |
Reed Solomon Encoder/Decoder on the StarCore SC140/SC1400 Cores, With Extended Examples ReedSolomonEncoder/DecoderontheStarCore?SC140/SC1400Cores,WithExtendedExamples ThisapplicationnotedescribestheimplementationoftheReedSolomonerror-controlcodesontheStarCore?SC140DSPcore.Reed-Solomoncodesarethepreferrederror-controlcodingproceduresinawider | freescaleFreescale Semiconductor, Inc 飛思卡爾飛思卡爾半導體 | freescale | ||
2.4 GHZ ZIGBEE??ETWORK APPLICATION INTERFACE PROGRAMMERS GUIDE Introduction ThisdocumentdescribestheSiliconLaboratoriesZigBeeNetworkLayerinterface.ItcontainsimplementationdetailsspecifictotheNetwork-layerinterfacesoftwarelibraryincludedaspartoftheSiliconLaboratoriesZigBeeDevelopmentKit. Thisdocumentshouldbeusedinconjuncti | SILABS Silicon Laboratories | SILABS | ||
Color Encoder IC NTSC/PAL for CCD Video Camera ■Overview TheAN2458SHisacolorencoderICforNTSC/PAL-compatibleCCDvideocamera.ItoutputschromasignalaftermodulationofinputtedR–YandB–Ycolordifferencesignalswithsubcarriersignals. ■Features ?CompatiblewithNTSCandPAL ?Carrierleakadjustmentavailable | PanasonicPanasonic Semiconductor 松下松下電器 | Panasonic | ||
Color Encoder IC NTSC/PAL for CCD Video Camera ■Overview TheAN2458SHisacolorencoderICforNTSC/PAL-compatibleCCDvideocamera.ItoutputschromasignalaftermodulationofinputtedR–YandB–Ycolordifferencesignalswithsubcarriersignals. ■Features ?CompatiblewithNTSCandPAL ?Carrierleakadjustmentavailable | PanasonicPanasonic Semiconductor 松下松下電器 | Panasonic | ||
Transmission lines and terminations with Philips Advanced Logic families INTRODUCTION Withincreasingsystemsspeedsandfasterlogicfamilies,interconnectcharacteristicshavebecomesignificant.Thesignaltransitiontimesoffasterfamiliescanincreasetransmissionlineeffectsonprintedcircuitboardtracesandcables.Ifnottakenintoconsideration,signalde | PhilipsNXP Semiconductors 飛利浦荷蘭皇家飛利浦 | Philips | ||
Dual 24 V, 6.0 mOhm High Side Switch Overview TheMC06XS4200deviceispartofa24Vhighsideswitchproductfamilywithintegratedcontrol,andahighnumberofprotectiveanddiagnosticfunctions.Itisdesignedfortruck,bus,andindustrialapplications.ThelowRDS(ON)channels( Features ?Twofully-protected6.0mΩ(@25 | freescaleFreescale Semiconductor, Inc 飛思卡爾飛思卡爾半導體 | freescale | ||
Dual 6.0 m high-side switch Overview TheMC06XSD200deviceispartofa36Vhigh-sideswitchproductfamilywithintegratedcontrolandahighnumberofprotectiveanddiagnosticfunctions.Itisdesignedforindustrialapplications.ThelowRDS(on)channels( Features Twofullyprotected6.0mΩ(@25°C)high-sides | freescaleFreescale Semiconductor, Inc 飛思卡爾飛思卡爾半導體 | freescale | ||
Dual 10 m high-side switch Dual10mOhmHighSideSwitch The10XSD200deviceispartofa36Vdualhighsideswitchproductfamilywithintegratedcontrol,andahighnumberofprotectiveanddiagnosticfunctions.Ithasbeendesignedforindustrialapplications.ThelowRDS(ON)channels( | freescaleFreescale Semiconductor, Inc 飛思卡爾飛思卡爾半導體 | freescale | ||
A CAN Bootloader for PIC18F CAN Microcontrollers INTRODUCTION AmongthemanyfeaturesbuiltintoMicrochip’sEnhancedFLASHMicrocontrollerdevicesisthecapabilityoftheprogrammemorytoself-program.Thisveryusefulfeaturehasbeendeliberatelyincludedtogivetheusertheabilitytoperformbootloadingoperations.DeviceslikethePIC1 | MicrochipMicrochip Technology 微芯科技微芯科技股份有限公司 | Microchip |
- 31015012
- 01-121365
- 02-091128
- 02-121365
- 02-165143
- 02-341125
- 02-341128
- 02-341358
- 02-343065
- 02-403065
- 02-537666
- 05B2B
- 05B2D
- 05B2M
- 6300009
- 6300069
- 6300120
- 07-28777-41
- 09-308098
- 09-308100
- 1001-5972
- 1001-9693
- 1010-9940
- 1025-2712
- 1025-4172
- 1025-4712
- 1045-2761
- 1061-5972
- 10655B13
- 111-4-2020-04600
- 111-4-2060-0400
- 111-4-2060-04000
- 11119023
- 1149-0729
- 1149-6729
- 1165(GE)
- 1169-2076
- 1178
- 1181-7145
- 1199-7848
- 13-29-5
- 13-29-6
- 13-35059-1
- 13-350591
- 13-64-6
- 130751
- 144026
- 1462516
- 1462516-001
- 1462516-1
- 1463686-1
- 146896
- 147438
- 149252
- 15-31015-7
- 15-33201-1
- 15-33201-2
- 15-35059
- 15-35059-1
- 15-35059-2
- 15-45300-1
- 156477
- 167-001B
- 167-018A
- 167-019A
- 1C-142
- 1C15
- 1C26
- 1MC1358P
- 1S1699
- 1S1700
- 2002110206
- 2002110269
- 200X2110-269
- 2109-103-2006
- 2119-101-0500
- 2119-101-4306
- 2119-102-0309
- 2165
- 2169-103-2006
- 219-103-2006
- 21A120-008
- 221-0048
- 221-48
- 221-48-01
- 23119950
- 2360042
- 2360201
- 2360331
- 2360391
- 2360501(SIF)
- 2516
- 2516-1
- 26630109
- 266P30102
- 266P30103
- 266P30109
- 266P32301
- 266P323Q2
- 276-1759
- 30710
- 35059-2
- 3686-1
- 36SI-CA3065E
- 370010011
- 4-2060-04000
- 4_2060-04600
- 41SI-HAI128
- 41SI-LM3065N
- 4206004000
- 4206004600
- 4206104970
- 4206105470
- 4206105770
- 4206105870
- 46-13145-3
- 46-13340-3
- 46-1361-3
- 46-29-6
- 46-5002-15
- 46-5002-26
- 51-13753A11
- 51-90305A6
- 51-90305A61
- 51-90305A87
- 51-90305A91
- 51513753A09
- 51D70177A07
- 51S1048A01
- 51S10655B13
- 51S13753A07
- 51S13753A09
- 51S13753A11
- 51X90305A61
- 51X90458A51
- 5320200050
- 5329500060
- 5351351
- 56A3-1
- 56D3-1
- 612005-1
- 612005-2
- 612351-1
- 6123510001
- 61A030-6
- 61A0306
- 6644000100
- 6644004202
- 7149A
- 7221A
- 73C180475
- 73C180476-5
- 73C182186
- 73SI-MC1358P
- 7666
- 8-759-424-00
- 8-759-425-00
- 80710
- 86X0053-001
- 86X53-1
- 93ERH-1X1128
- 99S082-1
- A1201-H-75
- A1365
- A13658E3
- AM167001A
- AN221
- AN240
- AN240D
- AN240P
- AN240PD
- AN240PN
- AN240S
- B0316451
- BO316415
- C6063P
- C6063P(HEP)
- C6083P
- C6083P(HEP)
- CA1365
- CA2065
- CA3065
- CA3065,RCA
- CA3065D
- CA3065E
- CA3065F
- CA3065F.C.
- 型號:
- 功能描述:
供應商 | 型號 | 品牌 | 批號 | 封裝 | 庫存 | 備注 | 價格 |
24+ |
3200 |
絕對原裝自家現貨!真實庫存!歡迎來電! |
詢價 | ||
Panasonic |
23+ |
5000 |
原裝正品,假一罰十 |
詢價 | ||
A |
24+ |
38 |
詢價 | |||
23+ |
7750 |
全新原裝優(yōu)勢 |
詢價 | ||
2016+ |
9000 |
只做原裝,假一罰十,公司可開17%增值稅發(fā)票! |
詢價 | ||
24+ |
5650 |
公司原廠原裝現貨假一罰十!特價出售!強勢庫存! |
詢價 | ||
24+ |
6980 |
原裝現貨,可開13%稅票 |
詢價 | ||
24+ |
5000 |
全現原裝公司現貨 |
詢價 | ||
23+ |
NA |
19960 |
只做進口原裝,終端工廠免費送樣 |
詢價 | ||
Panasonic |
1996 |
70 |
原裝現貨海量庫存歡迎咨詢 |
詢價 |