This versatile family of integrated circuits will work with many combinations of logic- and load-voltage levels, meeting interface requirements beyond the capabilities of standard logic buffers. Series UDN2580A and A2580SLW source drivers can drive incandescent, LED, or vacuum fluorescent displays. Internal transient-suppression diodes permit the drivers to be used with inductive loads such as relays, solenoids, dc and stepping motors, and magnetic print hammers.
The Types UDN2580A and A2580SLW are high-current source drivers used to switch the ground ends of loads that are directly connected to a -50 V supply. Typical loads are telephone relays, PIN diodes, and LEDs.
The UDN2585A and A2585SLW are drivers designed for applications requiring low output saturation voltages. Typical loads are low-voltage LEDs and incandescent displays. The eight non-Darlington, 25 V outputs will simultaneously sustain continuous load currents of -120 mA at ambient temperatures to +70°C.
The UDN2588A and A2588SLW have separate logic and driver supply lines. Their eight drivers can serve as an interface between positive logic (TTL, CMOS, PMOS) or negative logic (NMOS) and either negative or split load supplies to -80 V.
These drivers are packaged in plastic DlPs (suffix A) or surface-mount able wide-body SOlCs (suffix LW), and are rated for operation over the temperature range of -20°C to +85°C
■ TTL, CMOS, PMOS, NMOS Compatible
■ High Output-Current Rating
■ Internal Transient Suppression
■ Efficient Input/Output Structure
■ Through-Hole and Surface-Mount Packages
供應(yīng)商 | 型號(hào) | 品牌 | 批號(hào) | 封裝 | 庫(kù)存 | 備注 | 價(jià)格 |
18+ |
SOP207.2 |
12500 |
全新原裝正品,本司專(zhuān)業(yè)配單,大單小單都配 |
詢價(jià) | ||
21+ |
6000 |
原裝現(xiàn)貨假一賠十 |
詢價(jià) | ||
23+ |
原廠原包 |
19960 |
只做進(jìn)口原裝 終端工廠免費(fèi)送樣 |
詢價(jià) | ||
23+ |
NA/ |
3314 |
原裝現(xiàn)貨,當(dāng)天可交貨,原型號(hào)開(kāi)票 |
詢價(jià) | ||
1742+ |
SOP-8 |
98215 |
只要網(wǎng)上有絕對(duì)有貨!只做原裝正品! |
詢價(jià) | |||
23+ |
66800 |
原廠授權(quán)一級(jí)代理,專(zhuān)注汽車(chē)、醫(yī)療、工業(yè)、新能源! |
詢價(jià) | |||
2023+ |
SOP-20 |
80000 |
一級(jí)代理/分銷(xiāo)渠道價(jià)格優(yōu)勢(shì) 十年芯程一路只做原裝正品 |
詢價(jià) | ||
24+ |
6980 |
原裝現(xiàn)貨,可開(kāi)13%稅票 |
詢價(jià) | ||
SOP-20 |
608900 |
原包原標(biāo)簽100%進(jìn)口原裝常備現(xiàn)貨! |
詢價(jià) | |||
A |
24+ |
50 |
詢價(jià) |