零件編號 | 下載 訂購 | 功能描述/絲印 | 制造商 上傳企業(yè) | LOGO |
High-CurrentChargePumpwithS2Cwire??ControlandDualLDOforBacklightandFlash | ANALOGICTECHAdvanced Analogic Technologies 研諾科技香港研諾邏輯科技有限公司 | ANALOGICTECH | ||
High-CurrentChargePumpwithS2Cwire??ControlandDualLDOforBacklightandFlash | ANALOGICTECHAdvanced Analogic Technologies 研諾科技香港研諾邏輯科技有限公司 | ANALOGICTECH | ||
HighCurrentChargePumpwithS2CwireTMControlandDualLDOforBacklightandFlash Features ?VINRange:2.7Vto5.5V ?Tri-ModeChargePump: ?DrivesuptoFourBacklight/KeypadandFourFlash LEDs ?SeparateS2CwireControlforBacklight/Keypadand FlashCurrents ?Backlight/KeypadandFlashCurrentSetbySeparate ExternalResistors ?FlashTimerSetwithExternalCa | SKYWORKSSkyworks Solutions Inc. 思佳訊美國思佳訊公司 | SKYWORKS | ||
ParallelingofpowerMOSFETsinPFCtopology | STMICROELECTRONICSSTMicroelectronics 意法半導體意法半導體集團 | STMICROELECTRONICS | ||
CurrentModeController | ETCList of Unclassifed Manufacturers 未分類制造商 | ETC | ||
22dB10-400MHz1.2WATTSWIDEBANDLINEARAMPLIFIER TheRFLine WidebandLinearAmplifier ...designedforamplifierapplicationsin50to100ohmsystemsrequiringwidebandwidth,lownoiseandlowdistortion.Thishybridprovidesexcellentgainstabilitywithtemperatureandlinearamplificationasaresultofthepush–pullcircuitdesign. ? | MotorolaMotorola, Inc 摩托羅拉加爾文制造公司 | Motorola | ||
22dB10-400MHz1.2WATTSWIDEBANDLINEARAMPLIFIER TheRFLine WidebandLinearAmplifier ...designedforamplifierapplicationsin50to100ohmsystemsrequiringwidebandwidth,lownoiseandlowdistortion.Thishybridprovidesexcellentgainstabilitywithtemperatureandlinearamplificationasaresultofthepush–pullcircuitdesign. ? | MotorolaMotorola, Inc 摩托羅拉加爾文制造公司 | Motorola | ||
3UCompactPCISubsystemwith13-slotBackplane,21CompactPCIRedundantPowerModules | etc2List of Unclassifed Manufacturers etc未分類制造商etc2未分類制造商 | etc2 | ||
3UCompactPCISubsystemwith13-slotBackplane,21CompactPCIRedundantPowerModules | etc2List of Unclassifed Manufacturers etc未分類制造商etc2未分類制造商 | etc2 | ||
Off-LineCurrentModePWMControlCircuitwithUndervoltageLockout TheCS284XA,CS384XAprovidesallthenecessaryfeaturestoimplementoff-linefixedfrequencycurrent-modecontrolwithaminimumnumberofexternalcomponents. | CHERRY Cherry Semiconductor Corporation | CHERRY |
- 型號:
- 制造商:
JT&T Products
供應商 | 型號 | 品牌 | 批號 | 封裝 | 庫存 | 備注 | 價格 |
IR |
22+ |
6000 |
終端可免費供樣,支持BOM配單 |
詢價 | |||
IR |
23+ |
8000 |
只做原裝現(xiàn)貨 |
詢價 | |||
IR |
23+ |
7000 |
詢價 | ||||
KR |
20+ |
帶通濾波器 |
50 |
詢價 | |||
Altech Corp. |
2022+ |
79 |
全新原裝 貨期兩周 |
詢價 | |||
AM25LS2569PCB |
2023+ |
8700 |
原裝現(xiàn)貨 |
詢價 | ||
24+ |
N/A |
62000 |
一級代理-主營優(yōu)勢-實惠價格-不悔選擇 |
詢價 | |||
Pololu |
24+ |
4-SIP |
4574 |
專注Pololu品牌原裝正品代理分銷,認準水星電子 |
詢價 | ||
Alpha |
22+ |
NA |
69 |
加我QQ或微信咨詢更多詳細信息, |
詢價 | ||
AlphaWire |
新 |
16 |
全新原裝 貨期兩周 |
詢價 |
更多- 2842S024C
- 2843
- 2843.0/100
- 2843/1 BK005
- 2843/1 BL005
- 2843000202
- 2843000342
- 2843001802
- 2843002402
- 284-302
- 284306-1
- 284-308
- 284-310A-1040-1-1-1-1
- 284-310A-1040-8-1-1-1
- 284-310A-3-2-1-1-1
- 284-310A-6-1-1-1-1
- 284-310A-6-8-1-1-1
- 284-310B-1040-2-1-1-1
- 284-310B-3-1-1-1-1
- 284-310B-3-8-1-1-1
- 284-310B-6-2-1-1-1
- 284-310D-1040-1-1-1-1
- 284-310D-1040-8-1-1-1
- 284-310D-3-2-1-1-1
- 284-310D-6-1-1-1-1
- 284-310D-6-8-1-1-1
- 284314
- 284-317
- 28432
- 284322
- 284324
- 284391-3
- 284391-5
- 284391-7
- 284391-9
- 284392-3
- 284392-5
- 284392-7
- 284392-9
- 28-4396
- 2843-M5
- 2843-O-M5
- 2844
- 2844.0/100
- 2844/19 BK005
更多- 2842SL
- 2843.0
- 2843/1 BK001
- 2843/1 BL001
- 2843000102
- 2843000302
- 2843001502
- 2843002302
- 2843002702
- 284303-000
- 284308
- 28431
- 284-310A-1040-2-1-1-1
- 284-310A-3-1-1-1-1
- 284-310A-3-8-1-1-1
- 284-310A-6-2-1-1-1
- 284-310B-1040-1-1-1-1
- 284-310B-1040-8-1-1-1
- 284-310B-3-2-1-1-1
- 284-310B-6-1-1-1-1
- 284-310B-6-8-1-1-1
- 284-310D-1040-2-1-1-1
- 284-310D-3-1-1-1-1
- 284-310D-3-8-1-1-1
- 284-310D-6-2-1-1-1
- 284313
- 284-316
- 284317-1
- 284321-1
- 284322-1
- 284391-2
- 284391-4
- 284391-6
- 284391-8
- 284392-2
- 284392-4
- 284392-6
- 284392-8
- 28-4395
- 2843B
- 2843-M6
- 2843-O-M6
- 2844.0
- 2844/19 BK001
- 2844/19 BL001