零件編號 | 下載 訂購 | 功能描述/絲印 | 制造商 上傳企業(yè) | LOGO |
2301 | Digital electropneumatic positioner for the integrated mounting on process control valves Compactpositionerforintegratedmountingonpneumaticallyoperatedprocess valves.Remotesetpointadjustmentviaa4-20mAsignal.Acontact-freecontinuous sensormeasuresthepositionofthevalvespindle.Simpleinstallationthrough automaticTUNE-FunctionandsettingthroughDIP-switch | BURKERTChristian Bürkert GmbH & Co. KG 寶帝流體控制系統(tǒng)寶帝流體控制系統(tǒng)(上海)有限公司 | BURKERT | |
2301 | Flowmeter with paddle wheel for continuous flow measure-ment Thepaddlewheelflowmeterisavailableinmagneticoropticalvariant. Themagneticvariantofthemeasuringinstrumentisespeciallydesignedforuse withneutral,slightlyaggressive,solidfreeliquids.Theopticalvariantisexclusively intendedforusewithinfraredtransparentliquids. | BURKERTChristian Bürkert GmbH & Co. KG 寶帝流體控制系統(tǒng)寶帝流體控制系統(tǒng)(上海)有限公司 | BURKERT | |
2301 | Digital electropneumatic positioner SideControl BASIC Therobustandcompactpositionerisdesignedformountingonlinearandrotary actuatorswithstandardisationaccordingtoIEC65034-6-1orVDI/VDE3845 (IEC60534-6-2)Thevariantwithremotepositionsensorcanalsobeusedto controlBürkertprocesscontrolvalves.Theset-pointval | BURKERTChristian Bürkert GmbH & Co. KG 寶帝流體控制系統(tǒng)寶帝流體控制系統(tǒng)(上海)有限公司 | BURKERT | |
2301 | Magnetic inductive Insertion flowmeter TheelectromagneticflowmeterType8045ismadeupofanelectronicmodule includingabacklitdisplay,operatingkeysandasensorconsistingofPVDFor stainlesssteelmaterial.Ithasbeendesignedtomeasureaflowrateofneutraland slightlyaggressivefluidswithaconductivityofmoret | BURKERTChristian Bürkert GmbH & Co. KG 寶帝流體控制系統(tǒng)寶帝流體控制系統(tǒng)(上海)有限公司 | BURKERT | |
2301 | Manually operated 2-way globe control valve TheType2961controlvalveconsistsofamanualactuatorandaglobevalvebody withexchangeableseatsmadeofhigh-qualitystainlesssteel.Eachglobevalve bodycanbeequippedwithupto8valveseatsizesandreachesthedesiredflow characteristiccurveininteractionwithparaboliccone | BURKERTChristian Bürkert GmbH & Co. KG 寶帝流體控制系統(tǒng)寶帝流體控制系統(tǒng)(上海)有限公司 | BURKERT | |
2301 | Digital electro-pneumatic positioner for integrated mounting on process control valves ThecompactpositionerdeviceType8692isoptimisedforintegratedmountingon thepneumaticactuatorsintheprocessvalveseriesType23xx/2103andisspecially designedfortherequirementsofahygienicprocessenvironment.Thepilot airductisintegratedintotheactuatorwithoutexterna | BURKERTChristian Bürkert GmbH & Co. KG 寶帝流體控制系統(tǒng)寶帝流體控制系統(tǒng)(上海)有限公司 | BURKERT | |
2301 | Digital electropneumatic process controller for integrated mounting on process control valves ThecompactprocesscontrollerdeviceType8693isoptimisedforintegrated mountingonthepneumaticactuatorsintheType23xx/2103processvalveseries andisspeciallydesignedfortherequirementsofahygienicprocessenvironment. Theactualvalueoftheprocessfactorisdirectlysupplie | BURKERTChristian Bürkert GmbH & Co. KG 寶帝流體控制系統(tǒng)寶帝流體控制系統(tǒng)(上海)有限公司 | BURKERT | |
2301 | Digital electropneumatic positioner SideControl Therobustandcompactpositionerisdesignedwithstandardisationacc.toIEC 60534-6-1orVDI/VDE3845(IEC60534-6-2)forassemblyontolinearandrotary actuators.Inaddition,thevariantwithremotepositionsensorcanbecombined withBürkertprocesscontrolvalvesforclosed-loo | BURKERTChristian Bürkert GmbH & Co. KG 寶帝流體控制系統(tǒng)寶帝流體控制系統(tǒng)(上海)有限公司 | BURKERT | |
2301 | Digital electropneumatic Process Controller SideControl ThedeviceType8793digitalprocesscontrollerisdesignedwithstandardisation accordingtoIEC60534-6-1orVDI/VDE3845(IEC60534-6-2)forassemblyto linearandrotaryactuators.Thevariantwithremotepositionsensorcanalsobe usedtocontrolBürkertprocesscontrolvalves.Th | BURKERTChristian Bürkert GmbH & Co. KG 寶帝流體控制系統(tǒng)寶帝流體控制系統(tǒng)(上海)有限公司 | BURKERT | |
2301 | Marking:2301;Package:SOT-23;P-Channel Enhancement Mode Power MOSFET Description The2301usesadvancedtrenchtechnologytoprovide excellentRDS(ON),lowgatecharge.Itcanbeusedinawide varietyofapplications. Application lPowerswitch lDC/DCconverters | GOFORDGOFORD SEMICONDUCTOR 谷峰半導(dǎo)體 | GOFORD |
- 產(chǎn)品編號:
- 制造商:
Adafruit Industries LLC
- 類別:
光電器件 > 顯示器模塊 - LCD,OLED,圖形
- 包裝:
- 顯示類型:
TFT - 彩色
- 顯示模式:
- 屏幕對角線尺寸:
- 可視范圍:
154.21mm 寬 x 85.92mm 高
- 點像素:
1024 x 600
- 圖形顏色:
- 描述:
供應(yīng)商 | 型號 | 品牌 | 批號 | 封裝 | 庫存 | 備注 | 價格 |
恒佳興 |
2020+ |
SOT23-3 |
999999 |
原裝正品,大量現(xiàn)貨,免費拿樣。 |
詢價 | ||
2021+ |
SOT-23 |
9000 |
原裝現(xiàn)貨,隨時歡迎詢價 |
詢價 | ||
CJ |
24+ |
SOT23 |
66500 |
鄭重承諾只做原裝進口現(xiàn)貨 |
詢價 | ||
23+ |
SOT-23 |
5000 |
原裝正品,假一罰十 |
詢價 | ||
原裝正品 |
24+ |
SOT-23 |
5000 |
只做原裝公司現(xiàn)貨 |
詢價 | ||
23+ |
NA |
39960 |
只做進口原裝,終端工廠免費送樣 |
詢價 | ||
3M |
新 |
25 |
全新原裝 貨期兩周 |
詢價 | |||
SipuSemi |
22+23+ |
Sot-23 |
28095 |
絕對原裝正品全新進口深圳現(xiàn)貨 |
詢價 | ||
SC |
12+ |
SOT23-3 |
3500 |
原裝現(xiàn)貨/特價 |
詢價 | ||
SipuSemi |
14+NoPB |
Sot-23 |
63000 |
原裝正品現(xiàn)貨,可開發(fā)票,假一賠十 |
詢價 |
更多- 230-1
- 2301-100
- 23-012
- 2301-2-00-44-00-00-07-0
- 23012500021P
- 23013150021
- 23014000001P
- 23014000021P
- 23015000021
- 23016300021
- 230175
- 2301-H-RC
- 2302
- 2302052
- 2302078
- 2302094
- 23021000021P
- 2302133
- 2302159
- 2302191
- 2302-2-01-00-00-00-07-0
- 2302227
- 2302243
- 2302272
- 2302308
- 2302366
- 230238-1
- 2302-4-01-01-00-00-07-0
- 2302-50
- 2302-6111TG
- 2302735
- 2302751
- 2302861
- 2302-H-RC
- 2303
- 23031
- 2303132
- 2303158
- 2303187
- 2303226
- 230327-1
- 2303-50
- 2303-6111TG
- 2303-V-RC
- 2304034
更多- 230102G
- 2301-1000
- 23012000021
- 2301-2-00-80-00-00-07-0
- 2301-3-00-44-00-00-07-0
- 23013150021P
- 23014000021
- 23015
- 2301-6111TG
- 23016300021P
- 23018000021P
- 2301-V-RC
- 23-02
- 2302065
- 2302081
- 23021000021
- 2302120
- 2302146
- 2302162
- 2302201
- 2302214
- 2302230
- 2302256
- 2302298
- 2302353
- 2302379
- 2302382
- 2302450
- 2302-5111TG
- 2302-6121TG
- 2302748
- 2302777
- 2302984
- 2302-V-RC
- 23030
- 23031
- 2303145
- 2303161
- 2303-2-01-44-00-00-07-0
- 2303239
- 230328-3
- 2303608
- 2303-H-RC
- 2304018
- 2304050